
High Performance

  • Wright, Craig, The Hidden Habits of Genius, 2020, Harper Collins Dey St, ISBN 978-0-06-289271-3.
    I first came across Professor Wright’s work in his study of esoteric aspects of late mediaeval music, the Maze and the Warrior, which anchored two facets of the quadrivium case at the heart of the birth of the Renaissance. It’s therefore a great pleasure to see him found Yale’s Genius Course, although I have a certain reservation about its necessity, as I don’t think you can create genius, and an attempt to do so panders to its opposite, arrogance. Genius has nothing to prove, because it’s got a track record starting young.
  • Falkenstein, Tom, The HighlybSensitive Man, 2017, Harper Collins Thorsons, ISBN 978-0-00-836644-5
    This work takes a different approach to the previous female-orientated texts, in that the hunter-gatherer/arbitrator dichotomy they espouse simply doesn’t hold water in a neurodiverse environment where men are far more represented. I was sought by some prime Alphas, the SAS, for my ability as a negotiator, to replace Robert Nairac. Sadly, I discovered what had happened and would have done the same, so the only path forwards was to walk away, silently.

General Psychology

It is beyond the reasonable bounds of this work to debate the virtues or otherwise of foundation texts. Reading my postings, you’ll discover I’m correcting the thinking of Peter Levine (the entire corpus of trauma therapy uses his Immediate Action limbic clearance long after the event), and have little appreciation of Stephen Porges’ Polyvalent theory (I’m too pragmatic to have time for a theory which remains unproven twenty years later). Likewise Peter Attwood and Dabrowsky (for overt prejudice against their subjects – first do no harm).

This field has been bedevilled by now-discredited claptrap (Freud and Jung), over-assertive practitioners (the 2020 UK High Court’s termination of the Tavistock Clinic’s authority in their latest domain, paediatric gender reassignment, is equally pertinent to their behaviour towards me nearly 60 years ago, when their connection to the aforesaid mountebanks was still recent), and is nowhere more clearly demonstrated than in the absence of serious academic studies a hundred years after Binet. All the work’s gone into the bottom end, trying to make silk purses out of sows ears, whereas at the top few silk purses are produced because nobody knows how to make them: the result is hundreds of thousands of people suffering from abuse, in the truest sense of the word, nobody knows how to handle them.

That the UK Government should try to seek out “geeks and misfits” in 2020 says it all. Half the Cabinet Office saw me in full flow in 2015, but I was already aligned with Johnny Mercer, David Davies, Rory Stewart and Andrew Mitchell from long before, and was in any case resentful of David Cameron’s abuse in 2010. My team went off to work for Paul Judge in 2008, as his Jury Team. You retired me and I’m not coming back: it’s one thing for the Boss to set me onto something, but you’re not Him, Boris.

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