A General Model of High Mentation.

An Analytic Approach

Behaviourally, I can divide my traits in two, normal and esoteric.

My intrinsic mentality can express itself normally, fully, and so is only extraordinary in the volume and speed of processing. My audience likely can’t cope with the volume, so I learned to précis, long ago. One minor feature is that I can follow several lines of thought simultaneously, which may not necessarily be in accordance with each other, a most useful skill as a money-markets dealer. I use it a lot in critiquing research in a contentious area, although the trait itself is a normal extension of neuroception. Essentially, I can handle network thinking, where the logic branches and remerges, across the different threads. Political viewpoints are a case in point.

My esoteric traits are far less normal. As a seer medium, I channel the numinous when needed. Humanity mostly has freewill, so it’s not common, let alone frequent, which is why sit-up-and-beg methods such as the Koestler Institute’s research into the paranormal aren’t going to get anywhere. The lemma requirement of a situation to be resolved is not replicable, for starters. So we’re outside the boundaries of the scientific, which is science’s problem, not mine.

Theoretically, Mathematics has proven itself bounded, so all methods espoused to it are likewise similarly constrained. Where you have a bound, it has two sides, enclosed and excluded, and so it’s quite possible to have valid unquantifiable activity it’s not equiped to critique. I’ll have six kilos of love, a gross of insults, and 2 tubes of beauty, please.

A Composite Approach

I have a number of distinctive traits. I’m quite powerful as a Reiki master, although I don’t practice as it infringes my ethical boundaries: this gift taps the numinous and so is only to be used as directed. It’s a combination of meridians, diplomatic empathy, and meditation, so we can consider each as a distinct trait, in due course.

I likewise am currently investigating what appears to be high sensitivity in a masculine format, moderating dominance.

And likewise, I’m certainly Gifted, the seer medium skill (termed hyperperception) was triggered by the Church of England requiring me to demonstrate the power by which I was operating, It has consistently pre-positioned resources, sometimes long before my parents met.

The possibility then arises of using generalised knowledge to guide, without allowing it dominance. Ideally, a holistic integration should be possible.

The real question is, what are these traits, and can they be considered taxonomically? How do they work, at a neurophysiological level?

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