Disorderly Conduct

The American DSM-5 classification classes Aspergers as being on the Autistic Spectrum. That’s marginally dishonest, the cutting edge of huge and shameful dishonesty. The Autistic Spectrum is a shorthand for Autostic Spectrum Disorder.

I have three PCs in front of me. One’s running at 100%. One runs at 10%. One barely starts up before it reboots. Which needs repair? The last two. And yet, because teachers, running at 10%, can’t cope with kids whose minds run at 100%, they came up with the idea of over-excitability, and bludgeoned the kids into years of suffering, Running at the speed of the slowest donkey in the class. Frustration builds, and triggers a reaction followed by exclusion, which is followed by desocialisation and criminality. The ASD asks why they should be bound by the constraints of a Society which has rejected them. A social contract has been breached, and they see little reason to go along with discrimination. Their brains then find paths into disturbing that complacency, and prison awaits.

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